The collectible Buff® for the Zagori Mountain Running 2024 “Tymfi’s seven summits”

This year’s collectible Buff® for the Zagori Mountain Running 2024, Tymfi’s seven summits, is dedicated to the 7 most iconic peaks of Mount Tymfi, with the highest being that of Gamila (2497m):

  • Gamila (2497m)
    Astraka (2436m)
    Ploskos (2380m)
    Karteros (2478m)
    Megala Litharia (2467m)
    Tsouka Rossa (2377m)
    Goura (2467m)

The collectible Buff® is available for purchase from the Fifth Element online and physical store, which is once again one of the main sponsors of the race.

Every year, Zagori Mountain Running and the Fifth Element store actively contribute to the protection of nature and respect for the environment, supporting the work of the Vikos – Aoos National Park by allocating part of the proceeds.
